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Dental fillings – what are they?

Ist ein Defekt am Zahn entstanden, z. B. durch Kariesbakterien, muss der Zahnarzt die betroffene Stelle komplett reinigen, um weiteren Schäden vorzubeugen. Die entfernte Karies hinterlässt ein Loch im Zahn. Mit einer Zahnfüllung – oder auch Plombe – wird dieses Loch geschlossen. Die geschädigte Zahnsubstanz wird im Prinzip durch eine Füllung ersetzt.

What types of dental fillings are there?

Zahnfüllungen aus Amalgam waren lange Zeit die Regel. Die Mehrheit der Füllungen, die heute gesetzt werden, bestehen aus verschiedenen Kunststoffen.

Möglichkeiten im Überblick: Bei uns erhalten Sie Füllungen aus Kunststoff, Zement, Keramik oder Gold.



Composite fillings are plastic fillings made from various materials. They consist of around 80 percent tiny ceramic, glass and quartz particles. Today, the plastic content only makes up around 20 percent. The improved material properties ensure increased stability and durability.
Composites are tooth-colored and are therefore often used in the area of the front teeth. They are filled into the affected area in layers to minimize shrinkage during hardening. If the defect is particularly small, one layer is usually sufficient. If the damage is more extensive, a composite filling is not used.

  • tooth-colored

  • good tolerance

  • pressure resistant

  • versatile

Single-layer plastic fillings in the area of the front teeth are covered by statutory health insurance.
Since July 1, 2018, plastic fillings for children up to the age of 15 as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women have been fully covered by health insurance companies, even in the molar area, if the dentist deems this necessary.



A special cement (glass ionomer cement - GIC) has been developed for dental use. It is quick and easy to process, but is generally unsuitable as a permanent filling because it can break quickly. It is mainly used as a temporary filling and is used, for example, in milk teeth or after root canal treatment when it is unclear whether the affected tooth can be saved.
Glass ionomer cement releases fluorides, which inhibit the formation of caries in the area of a filling.

  • gute Verträglichkeit

  • karieshemmend

Health insurance companies cover the entire cost of a cement filling.



Ceramic is used for inlays and is glued directly into the tooth. The pressure-resistant material is relatively durable and is also suitable for allergy sufferers as it is free of metals. It can also be adapted to the natural tooth colour and is therefore also suitable for fillings on the front teeth.
The production of ceramic fillings is comparatively time-consuming and costly. An impression of the tooth defect is created using a computer or a plaster model and then a precisely fitting inlay is made in the laboratory that can only be inserted by the dentist.

  • tooth-colored

  • good tolerance

  • durable

Ceramic fillings are not a standard service and are not covered by health insurance. However, full reimbursement of costs can be achieved through private supplementary dental insurance.



Gold fillings are individually made in the laboratory based on a dental impression. They therefore fit extremely precisely and offer a particularly good finish at the edges.
The soft nature of gold makes the inlays very break-resistant, but not very stable. This is why other metals such as platinum, silver or copper are often added to ensure high strength. This allows them to be used even in cases of larger defects. Gold is also very biocompatible and can be tolerated for many years.
Because of its color and shine, gold is rarely used on the front teeth. Allergic reactions are the exception.

  • durable

  • precisely fitting

  • durable

The production of dental fillings made of gold is relatively expensive and is not covered by health insurance.

Nebenwirkungen von Zahnfüllungen

As with any medical procedure, side effects cannot be completely ruled out in filling therapy, although they are very low and can often be prevented. If fillings are too high, the tooth is overloaded by the pressure created when chewing and causes pain. Irritated tooth nerves can react oversensitively to very cold and hot foods or drinks.
In very rare cases, an allergic reaction to the filling material used occurs.

To quickly arrange an appointment at the Stela Xhelili Leipzig dental practice, you can book an appointment directly online or call us at 0341 - 303 828 9 .

"The health of our teeth reflects our lifestyle."

Zahnarztpraxis, Familienzahnarzt, Kinderzahnarzt, Zahngesundheit, Prophylaxe, Mundhygiene,

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At the Stela Xhelili Leipzig dental practice, we combine first-class expertise with high standards of excellence. Our goal is to perfect your smile with precision and dedication – because your dental health deserves the best.

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Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 1, 04107 Leipzig- Center

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